Monday, 13th January, 2025

The Best Kitchen Canister Sets for Your Home

By ADMIN on June 27, 2022

Home Improvement


No matter what style of home you live in, it’s hard to imagine a kitchen without some kind of canister set. Whether you prefer glass or ceramic, metal or plastic, large or small, there’s a set out there that will give your kitchen the style and function you’re looking for. But what should you be looking for? How do you pick which canister set is best for your space? The following guide will help you find the best kitchen canister sets on the market, no matter what your needs are!

Why do you need kitchen canisters?

Some people store their dry goods in bags in their pantry, but storing food in glass or ceramic containers can keep it fresher longer and make it look more appealing. While some people have simple jars lying around, it’s worth shopping for canisters that are actually made to be used in a kitchen. These have extra features like handles or rubber seals to prevent spillage. The design of your canisters doesn’t matter much, though; any kitchen container with a seal is fine, as long as you choose ones that won’t break easily if they get knocked over. If you don’t want to use traditional canisters, you might want to consider decorative mason jars instead.

What is your kitchen style?

If you’re not sure what style your kitchen falls into, head to your local home improvement store and take a look at their canisters. If there are any in stock, they’ll be set up to show off that kind of product. They’re sold out, make an appointment with a designer at one of those stores and have them come by your house with some samples. From there, you can figure out what works best for you. Also consider where in your home you want to keep these canisters; do you have room on your countertop? Do you already have a kitchen cabinet set aside specifically for these types of items? These are all things to think about before shopping around and finding just what works best for your needs!

How many canisters do you need?

If you’re keeping coffee, flour and sugar in your canisters, you may need up to five or six. If you’re keeping nuts, spices or sugar free substitutes in your canisters, one set is probably plenty. A typical ceramic kitchen canister set has five of them. The black ones generally contain salt, pepper and nutmeg; orange ones hold baking supplies; blue holds tea; green holds coffee; red holds cocoa and brown contains flour or other dry goods. Even if you use a larger-than-normal size container, though, one set should do it—unless it’s completely fill with those sugary alternatives! In that case, two sets could be need to make room in your pantry for everything else!

What size canisters should you buy?

There are two basic sizes you can go with when choosing kitchen canisters: taller and wider (also known as cylindrical), or narrower and longer (also known as tall, rectangular or even cube-shaped). Taller and wider containers can hold more, but aren’t ideal for stacking; they usually require at least two shelves of pantry storage. Narrower, long-shaped cans can fit on a single shelf of most cupboards, but won’t store as much bulk food at once. If space is at a premium in your kitchen cabinets and cupboards, smaller cans might be better.

What material should the canisters be made from?

Using glass and ceramic canisters are great options because they’re durable, classy and versatile. They come in a variety of styles to fit your kitchen perfectly. For example, mixing a black canister set with white pieces will make them stand out against your cabinets while a teal colored canister set will complement your green accents. You’ll find lots of great options out there if you know where to look.

Do you want matching sets, or are mismatched canisters ok with you?

Mismatched. Why? It adds to that retro farmhouse look and can add character to your kitchen. Even if you’re not into matching sets, it’s always a good idea to have a few extra of each canister just in case one breaks (you know how clumsy you are!). Before we get start, I want to share my favorite brands with you: Anchor Hocking and Crate & Barrel are great places to start. For more on what brand of glass is best, check out our buying guide!

Picking out some ideas to start with.

There are different types of kitchen canisters available in stores, but you need to pick out some that fit your home decor. If you want something traditional, then look at our best farmhouse canisters set. They are modern and simple, just like our best tea infuser. When looking for a pair or trio to place on your countertop, decide if you would like an all white or off-white colored kitchen canister set so it will match with your countertops and other accessories placed there as well. Pick a color that brings out a bit of life into your space; we recommend rich and bold hues instead of too light pastels so it doesn’t appear drab and dull.

Where to find great kitchen canister sets.

If you want to ensure that your kitchen canisters are both durable and functional, make sure you check out metal and glass canister sets. Glass is popular because it’s so durable, making it an excellent choice for sturdiness. It’s a great material for food storage because you don’t have to worry about harmful chemicals seeping into your food from chemicals. Metal is also a common material use in kitchen canisters because of its strong, hard-wearing properties—just be sure to avoid stainless steel as it’s not conducive to high heat.

